Flutynar 11 with Sir James & Lady Jeanne Galway – 26.11.2022 on 11:00hr
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte e.V. invites you to its series of online events: webinars/flutynars on special topics of didactics with outstanding international teachers.
In the eleventh Fluytnar of the DGF, Sir James Galway and his wife Lady Jeanne Galway were our guests. Sir James taught the flutist Seher Karabiber (accompanied by Nobue Ito on the piano) from the class of Prof. Franz at the MHS Hamburg.
Afterwards, Sir James, together with his wife Lady Jeanne, was available for an extensive conversation with the two board members of the DGF Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Prof. Jürgen Franz.
The flutynar has been recorded is here available for all members of the DGfF as an online video.
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