Flutynar 7 with Christina Fassbender (Berlin) – 12.03.2022 at 11:00

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte e.V. invites you to its series of online events: webinars/flutynars on special topics of didactics with outstanding international teachers. 

In this seventh DGfF «Fluytnar», Christiana Fassbender will be our guest. The Flutynar is free of charges for members of the DGfF, all others are charged with a fee of € 20.- (please notice in your application). You can use our Paypal account ››› for your payment.

The webinar will be recorded and is afterwards available online for all members of the DGfF as a video.

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Christina Fassbender is professor of flute at the University of Arts in Berlin.

In the Flutynar, Christina Fassbender shed light on various aspects of her pedagogical work. On the one hand her teaching of the physical methodological basics of flute playing, and on the other hand the inclusion of movement in the interpretative process. The aim of this work is an economical, relaxed playing in which the resources of the intendated interpretation are available without blockages.

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