Welcome to the Fluteenie page!

Members of the German Flute Society DGfF will find here additional material (YouTube links, play-alongs, PDFs) to browse, listen to and download in line with the respective Fluteenie episodes in «Flöte Aktuell».

From January 2025, Britta Bauer will take over the creation of the Fluteenie pages in the magazine «Flöte Aktuell». She will be supported by guest authors.The first guest author is our freelancer Leona Rajakowitsch.

Have fun with the «new» Fluteenie pages!
Yours, Britta Bauer

The content is reserved for members of the DGfF – to see and download it you have to be registered first.
And this is how it works:

Username = membership number without prefix «P» and either the default password < floete2020 > - or the one you created yourself after logging in to www.floete.net/fuer-mitglieder/login/(more information can be found here).


User login

Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website:

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