Welcome to the Fluteenie page!
Members of the German Flute Society DGfF will find here additional material (YouTube links, play-alongs, PDFs) to browse, listen to and download in line with the respective Fluteenie episodes in «Flöte Aktuell».
Our topic in issue IV/2024 is «Flutes worldwide»
Have fun with it!
Stephanie Wagner
The content is reserved for members of the DGfF – to see and download it you have to be registered first.
And this is how it works:
Username = membership number without prefix «P» and either the default password < floete2020 > - or the one you created yourself after logging in to www.floete.net/fuer-mitglieder/login/(more information can be found here).
User login
Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website: