Find regularly updated news about our events, courses, competitions... If you are already a member of the DGfF, you can reach the internal pages here.

Flöte aktuell 4/2024

Flöte aktuell is published four times a year and contains portraits, contributions on instruments, studies on the history of styles, information on competitions, reviews of books, sheet music and CDs, tips from pedagogical practice and fluteenie for children and young people. Members of the DGF can read and download the complete journal after registration.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DGfF – The DGfF turns 40 years old

Learn more about the work of the DGfF e.V. in this film (German with English subtitles)

00:00 - The foundation
02:11 - The magazine «Flöte Aktuell»
03:39 - International Flute Festivals
04:33 - Flute Days
05:47 - Virtual Flute Festival
08:40 - Flutynars ( Didactics)
10:17 - Competitions for young flutists and flautists
12:20 - The Board of Directors of the DGfF

Winners of the 2024 Online competitions

We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year's competitions! After an intense and inspiring competition in which outstanding talents from all over the world showed their skills, the winners have been announced. Congratulations to our talented musicians!

Click here for the competition for young flautists ›››

Click here for the competition for adults 25+ ›››