Flutynar 12 with Gaby Pas-van Riet (Saarbruecken) – 04.02.2023 on 11:00 hr
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte e.V. invites you to its series of online events: webinars/flutynars on special topics of didactics with outstanding international teachers.
From the series «Fachdidaktik-konkret!» of the German Flute Society is the 12th Flutynar with Gaby Pas-van Riet. This Flutynar is a continuation of the first episode (from November 2022) and deals with «Mental Training» as a prerequisite for daily practising and with «Flow» situations and how to achieve and use them in the concert situation. The Flutynar was moderated by Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt.
The Flutynar has been recorded and is now available for all members of the DGfF as an online video here.
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