Flutynar 13 with Anne-Catherine Heinzmann (Essen) – 22.06.2024 – 11:00 hr
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte e.V. invites you to its online event series: webinars/flutynars on special topics of specialised didactics with outstanding international teachers.
From the series «DIDACTICS-concret!» of the German Flute Society, here is the 13th Flutynar with Anne-Cathérine Heinzmann, Professor at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen. This Flutynar dealt with vibrato and timbre and was moderated by Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt.The Flutynar will be recorded and made available, together with the sccompanying teaching material, to all DGfF members online as a video here.
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